Thursday, January 28, 2010

Which Way Do I Go?

Proverbs 16

1. I want to know Actual Reality v. 2, 25
a. Can I be tricked?
- We can have blind spots
- We can justify our sins
b. Can I believe the Truth?
- God knows me (Weighed in the balances) v. 2
- God gave us one way to Heaven v. 25

2. I want to be Above Reproach v. 7
a. I will focus on pleasing the Lord
b. I will be at peace with my enemies (Not adding fuel for their fire)

3. I want to be All set to Resign v. 9
a. My plans are good
b. God's plans are better (Resign my plan for His and I grow and God gets the glory)

4. I want to Accept Responsibility v. 17
a. I must choose to depart from evil
b. I must be on the defense against evil

5. I want to Age Righteously v. 31 (Found in the way of Righteousness)
a. Am I living a righteous life right now?
b. Will I continue to live a righteous life?

Big Jorge Comes Through

Can I give a shout out on this blog? If I might say we had a pleasant surprise last night at the Program. Who new Jorgey could play the guitar just likes he's ringing a bell... Go Jorgey go!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Do It Anyways

I came across this yesterday from a devotional thought from Jim Burns and I thought it would be good to post.

1. People are unreasonable, illogical and self-centered.
Love them anyway.

2. If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish motives.
Do good anyway.

3. Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable.
Be honest anyway.

4. The biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest people with the smallest minds.
Think big anyway.

5. What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight.
Build anyway.

6. People really need help but may turn against you if you help them.
Help them anyway.

7. Give the world the best you have and you may get kicked in the teeth.
Give the world the best you've got anyway.

- The Paradoxical Commandments by Dr. Kent M. Keith, 1968

Sunday Services

Sunday Morning - Pastor Mortensen

Holy Servants
Exodus 29

1. There was a need for cleansing v. 4
a. Before you can be used you must be cleansed
b. You must humble yourself and come to Christ for the cleansing

2. There was a need for clean clothing v. 5, 6
a. Christ provided the clothing at His cost
b. Christ put on our clothing so we could put on His

3. There needs to be a consuming v. 9
a. The oil that physically consumed them was to represent the Holy Spirit consuming their lives
b. We can't do it alone, we need His power

Sunday Night - Roger Paul (Missionary to Barbados)

True Spiritual Investment is investing in the lives of others - Strengthening the brethren

1. 2 Timothy 2:1, 2 - Invest in faithful people
2. Galatians 6:1 - Invest in fallen people
3. Luke 22:31, 32 - Invest in weaker people
4. Acts 18:24-27 - Invest in fiery people
5. 1 Kings 19:19-21 - Invest in people in leadership - They need help too

Devotional Bible Study

We had a great time going through the devotional method of Bible study this past Sunday morning. I am challenging each person to get just a little deeper into God's Word one time per week. We meet at 9:45 am on Sundays and I think it will be a benefit to your personal time with the Lord. Let me share what we went over on Sunday.

Passage: Philippians 3:13-14

Prayer: __ (Check here when you have prayed over this passage)

1. I have not arrived
2. I am focused on my goal
3. The past is the past and I am moving forward
4. I am ready to work hard to reach my goal
5. I am laying up my treasures in Heaven

Application: (The specifics are up to you)
1. So that I will not feel like I've arrived, I will constantly challenge myself to do more for Christ
2. To stay focused, I will identify and eliminate the things that sidetrack me
3. I will document past experiences that will help me grow closer to the Lord
4. I will ask God to show me what He has for me to do and will outline a plan to get it done
5. I will list the things that I am doing for Christ right now

Assessment of the Application: (Do this over the next couple of weeks)

Glory to the Lord

We had the opportunity to spend time on Friday night with our friends who adopted their boy from Haiti. God is so good! These people have been used by the Lord to bring glory and honor to His name. I thank the Lord for people who are willing to step out in faith and simply trust God to do what only He can do. They would tell you that it was very difficult, but it was worth it. I am continually asking God what the next step is that He would have me to take. He is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we can ask or think!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

T-Shirt Idea

I was thinking about getting a t-shirt design together and using the proceeds to send some financial aid to those ministering in Haiti as well as to help fund our Missions Trip there this summer. We could sell these t-shirts at schools, churches, work, or wherever else you might think possible. People might say, "How is that little bit going to make a difference?" It has to start somewhere and I think this is a pretty good place to start. I also believe that any little bit helps, and something is better than nothing. It's time to stop talking about the problem and actually do something about it.

My rough ideas is to have something like "Providing Help For Haiti" on the front. On the back have something like a cross in the center and all around the cross have money, water bottles, Meals ready to eat, Bibles, bricks, hammers, and other tools. This is just the way I see it, but I need some help once again because I am by no means a designer. Anyone else have any ideas?

Specific Individuals We Are Ministering To: Part #1

The first group I'd like to focus on is those visiting our ministry. They are not really a part of the ministry but are checking things out. They may have been around for a long time, but they really are not plugged in to the group. Because individuals are important the question is, "How do we minister to this group of people?"

I have a few thoughts that I'd love to discuss with you. I think we need to identify their spiritual condition. How can we find out where they are spiritually? Our goals are to see individuals saved, sanctified, and serving. How can we find out if these visitors to our ministry are saved? How can we help move them into their sanctification process? I think you can see how easy it is to put these goals on paper, but it is a much different story when you try to make these goals a reality. I would love to hear any ideas you might have.

Proverbs 15

Beware Of…
Proverbs 15

I. Beware of what you despise
A. Some people hate the message v. 5
B. Some people hate the messenger v. 12

II. Beware of what disgusts God
A. He knows our giving v. 8
1. Is it really a sacrifice?
2. Am I clean?
3. Is it my best?
B. He knows our going v. 9
C. He knows our goals v. 26

III. Beware of your disposition
A. Am I fallen v. 13
B. Am I feasting v. 15

1. We need to learn to love instruction – Never stop learning. God is not done with you yet!
2. We need to please God with our goals, going and giving. God knows you and wants the best for you!
3. We need to be the happiest people on earth because we are Christians. Why do we say that?

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Praising God for His Faithfulness

Mr 10:27 And Jesus looking upon them saith, With men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible.

I've preached it over 1,000 times, but I still can't believe when God comes through. My God is an awesome, amazing, and loving Heavenly Father. He wants to show Himself strong on our behalf.

The past two years I have asked God for some things that to men were considered impossible. I stand back amazed at what God can do. He has laid specific goals on my heart and I have watched Him take control of the situation and answer my prayer, but even go above and beyond. I want to praise my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for His faithfulness to me even as I have failed him in many ways. Thank you God for your never ending provisions!

What do you think about ministering in Haiti?

I have been praying for the last few months about where God would have us go for a summer missions trip. I could not get peace about where we should minister. On Sunday I believe I received confirmation from the Lord about where we should go. Operation Renewed Hope is going to be spending the next year going in and ministering to the people of Haiti. We will be able to help in the demolition and reconstruction process, bring needed aid to the country with medicine and food supplies, and be able to share the gospel with those we are ministering to. Please pray as we plan to make a trip to Haiti this summer.

Protecting Your Family

We finished up our series on "When the Enemy Strikes" on Sunday. Here is a portion of the outline just in case you missed it.

II. Bringing Deliverance To the Family
A. Recognize your position in Christ
1. You belong to Christ
2. You have the Holy Spirit to rely on
B. Do what you know is Godly
1. Read your Bible
2. Pray
3. Attend church regularly
4. Get involved ministering to others
5. Cleanse your home of anything ungodly
C. Pray for your family
1. Pray in the name of Jesus Jn. 14:13-14
~Pray what Jesus would pray
2. Pray the Word of God
~Quote the Bible back to God
3. Pray with unwavering faith Ja. 1:6-8; Phil. 1:6
4. Ask daily for the help of the Holy Spirit
D. Be bold in your testimony
1. Take a stand and speak the truth of God’s Word
2. Don’t become comfortable with sin “just a little sin”

Thursday and Friday Revival Outlines

Dave Kistler Thursday Night
Triumphing Over Temptation
Genesis 39
1. When temptation comes refuse it v. 8 (Just Say NO!) I'm not going to give in!
2. When temptation comes use some reason v.9
(Think through the consequences)
Four Considerations before giving in to Temptation
a. Consider the Dishonor
b. Consider the Distrust
c. Consider the Disgrace
d. Consider the Disease
3. When temptation comes run v.10-12 (Some times you need to get out of there)

Dave Kistler Friday Night
The anti-Christ his rise, resistance, and religion Daniel 8:23-25 7
1. His Rise
a. From Obscurity 7:8
b. From a Gentile Nation (Sea in Revelation refers to the Gentiles/ land refers to the Jews)
2. His Resistance 7:24-25
a. Times 7:25 (Dates -those that have to do with Christ)
b. Laws 7:25 (Rooted in Judeo-Christian values)
3. His Religion 11:36-39

Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Purpose Statement

What do you think of this as a purpose statement for the ministry? "Helping you get where God wants you to be!" You might ask, "Where is it that God wants me to be?" The answer to that question goes back to clarifying the win which is to see people getting saved, being sanctified and actively serving the Lord.

The word you in the purpose statement reminds me of the importance of individuals. I put it this way, "Our desire is to reach an individual so he can impact his family so they can affect their community. If each individual does his job we can reach the world." We so often focus on the group that the individual gets lost in the crowd. Individuals are important to God!

This truth led me to ask a few more questions about how to best minister to individuals. Question one is, "How can I know what a person's need is?" Question two goes along with question one and that is, "How can people share their needs?" These our questions that each person that takes part in ministering needs to answer. I welcome any ideas you might have on this subject.

The last question I'd ask is, "Will you be God's hands to provide a personal touch?" Everyone is important, and everyone needs to be a part. If we can get focused in this area I believe it would have a huge impact on us, our families, church, community, and etc.. etc..

Monday - Wednesday Revival Outlines

Monday Night:
Last Days Living
Matthew 3
I. It must be different (Stood out)
a. His dress
b. His diet
c. His demeanor (Passion = crying out in the wilderness)
2. It must be dedicated (Make the paths straight)
a. It is time
b. It is tough
3. It must be direct (Our message)
a. Pharisees were serpents
b. Pharisees needed the Savior
4. It could be diminished
a. Jailed for his message
b. Just became a martyr
~He must increase, but I must decrease!

Tuesday Night:
Life's Great Trading Tip
Matthew 6:19-24
1. There are two methods v. 19-20
a. Treasures stored on earth
- Can be ripped off
- Can be ruined
b. Treasures stored in Heaven
-Where my treasure is there will my heart be also
- My interests cannot be divided
2. There are two mindsets v. 22-23
a. Generous = single mindedness which brings light
b. Greedy = evil which brings great darkness
3. There are two masters v. 24
a. Have money serve you not you serve the money
b. My goal needs to be to serve God

Wednesday Night:
Having a Form but Denying the Power
2 Timothy 3:1-5
1. Description of mere form
a. Actions v. 2-3
b. Attitudes v. 4
c. Affections v. 2-4
2. Desires of mere form I John 2:15-17
a. Love of the world
b. Hear the world I John 4:6
c. Fear of the world I John 4:17,18
d. Talk like the world I John 4:5

Here they are in case you missed one!

Praying for Haiti

We are praying especially today for our friends the Tugwells who have been waiting for the finalization of the adoption of their son from Haiti. They are waiting to hear official word on the status of their son and the orphanage. I know many people are affected by this event and I am praying for each family that has been touched by this earthquake.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Three Outlines In One Post

In case you missed the start of the revival here are some brief outlines:
Sunday School
3 Priorities Of A Dying Man
1. Time spent with his Heavenly Father
2. Time spent with his family
3. Time spent sharing his faith

Sunday Morning
3 Laws That We Live With
Romans 7:18-8:4
1. Law of God v. 22 (Delights in it on the inside)
2. Law of Depravity v. 23 (My flesh does not want to please God)
3. Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ 8:2 (Gives us the victory)

Sunday Night
Getting Hold Of Heaven
Acts 12
1. The Mission in Prayer
a. Provision (God meeting the need)
b. Promotion (Of the name of God)
2. The Mechanics of Prayer
a. Sincere v. 5
b. Specific v. 5
c. Sacrificial v. 6
d. Sustained v. 5
3. The Motivation of Prayer
~ Obedience (God told us to pray)

What A Blessing!

It was a great day at FBC yesterday! We were able to see two people come to know Christ as their Savior. I praise the Lord for those that brought their friends and parents to hear the Gospel. It was a great start to our week of revival meetings, and I am looking forward to seeing what else God has in store for us.

Something I never thought I'd do

I did something this morning that I never thought that I would do...I had to scrape the ice off of my windshield. I did not sign up for this when I agreed to move to Miami. A helpful tip, for those of you like me who don't have ice scrapers in your cars, is to use a credit card. I'm looking forward to some warmer temperatures SOON!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Clarifying the Win (Serving)

The final step in clarifying the win is when people start serving. To review, when we see people getting saved, being sanctified (set apart from sin), and serving others, we view this as success for our ministry. These three areas should drive every aspect of our ministry.

What are some good ways that we can get people serving? We need ideas for areas of service in the church, community, and any other places that you can think of. There are plenty of opportunities out there for us to be used by God to make a difference in the lives of others. The question is where and who are you serving?

The next post under the Philosophy section is going to focus on the Purpose of the ministry. I'm looking forward to hearing your input to see if I am on track or not.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

What Can I Do?

Last night we focused on our speech. I pray that some of the thoughts that we saw from Proverbs 15 will take root in our lives. Here they are...

1. My speech needs to be soft v. 1

- Do I use my speech to settle things down?

- Do I use my speech to stir things up?

2. My speech needs to be sound/smart v. 2

- Is my speech proper?

~Knowing what to say

~Knowing when to say it

- Is my speech poor?

~ My mouth just pours out foolishness

3. My speech needs to be soothing v. 4

- Do I use my speech to help others (A tree of life is like giving help and healing to others)

- Do I use my speech to hurt others (Vicious speech that breaks the spirit of others)

Verse 3 tells us that the eyes of the Lord are watching the good and the evil. He know how you are treating others, and He knows how you have been treated. Let's use our words to make a positive difference in the lives of others.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Secret Confession

I am a big fan of the "Biggest Loser." I don't know what it is about the show that has got me hooked, but I look forward to Tuesday nights. Are there any other fans out there or am I just crazy. This season I'm going for the guy on the orange team with the curly hair, so let's see how long he makes it. It was sad to see the twin brothers get separated on the first night, but the guy stayed on track at home and lost over 100 pounds. You can look for updates on the biggest loser every week because I'll be watching.

Clarifying the Win (Sanctification)

One word that sounds really good for us to say is "Sanctification." How many of us really know what it means to be sanctified. When I say one of the ways we are succeeding in the ministry is if people are growing in their sanctification it sounds really good. What is sanctification? It is a separation from sin. We live in a sin cursed world and we deal with sin every day of our lives. Sanctification is necessary if we are to live our lives for Christ.

My question is, "How can I know if someone is being sanctified?" The only way I can think of is finding a way to communicate with each other how God is working in our lives. What is the best way to communicate with each other? (Have lunch together, e-mail, call, write a letter, blog, etc...) What way would be most effective for you? I believe it is important to be as transparent as possible with our Christian growth. Because of my honesty I may be a help to someone who is struggling in the same area.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Activities From January To May

3 Fast Food Fellowship After PM Service
10-15 Revival
15 Assist Youth Ministry After the Service
22 Homecoming
30 Program Prayer Breakfast 9 AM

5 Night of Worship Bldg. 6000 7 PM
7 Fast Food Fellowship After PM Service
12 Late Night Indoor Soccer Gym 9 PM
20 Program Prayer Breakfast 9 AM
21-28 Missions Conference
26 Assist Youth Ministry After the Service
28 Fast Food Fellowship After PM Service

12 The Amazing Race 7 PM
19 Late Night Volleyball Gym 9 PM
27 Program Prayer Breakfast 9 AM

2 Good Friday with the Fullerton's 6 PM
9 Classic Commercials Bldg. 6000 8 PM
11 Fast Food Fellowship After PM Service
17 Rock Climbing 10 AM
24 Program Prayer Breakfast 9 AM
30 Taste of the Program 7 PM

2 Fast Food Fellowship After PM Service
8 Help Serve At Mother Daughter Breakfast
15 Million Dollar Madness 7 PM
21 Late Night Dodgeball Gym 9 PM
29 Program Prayer Breakfast 9 AM

Monday, January 4, 2010

It's like a family

I really appreciate the way you treat my kids like they are your niece and nephews. It really means a lot to us that you treat our children so great. We know that they can be a little much at times, but you guys still at least give the impression that you care about them. I was watching all of you last night at KFC and each one of you took a few minutes to make my kids feel special. You guys are easy to love and I feel truly blessed to be a part of the Program family.

Some Good Thoughts From Pastor Mortensen

Pastor Mortensen was talking about two types of people on Sunday and I found it to be a good reminder, so I share it with you.

1. There are "Balcony People" that lift you up to new levels and encourage you to keep going.

2. There are "Basement People" that bring you down and empty your tank.

Pastor's message was a character study of Barnabas and how he was nicknamed, "The Encourager." The Bible is full of instances of Barnabas taking someone under his wing. It is pretty simple, I can either be a fault finder or a believer builder. I choose to be a believer builder this year!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

A Quick Update On The Mendez Family

The funeral service will be held at the church on Monday at 10 AM. If you can attend the service I'm sure the Mendez family would appreciate it. Please keep the family in your prayers.

New Years Resolutions

Well I'm three for three so far in the New Years Resolution department. I thought I was going to fail to keep my resolutions on January 1 (How pathetic would that have been). I barely got it done on day 1 I finished it up at 11:15 PM. Let me make it public so that I'll have some people keeping me accountable. Each day I want to run and read. This is by no means the first time I've ever made these resolutions so we shall see what this year holds. I should confess that I'm not as worried about the reading part. Tomorrow I'm going to get up and run before work so I'm praying that Max will cooperate tonight. Please feel free to check with me tomorrow to see if I actually did get up and run.

How about you? Any resolutions for you this year? Feel free to post them and we will keep each other accountable. I know I need all the help I can get.

A Great Way To Start Out The New Year

We had a great Sunday Morning Bible Study this morning! We had a great turnout with a great spirit. I was really challenged in my prayer life this week. As we start out a new year I think it is fitting to re-evaluate our prayer lives. Here are some of the thoughts on prayer that we talked about this morning.

Sanding Strong In Prayer
Ephesians 6:18

I. The Power of Prayer
A. Prayer is what we do once we are clothed in the armor of God
B. The main reason many Christians are weak is because they do not pray
II. The Problem with Prayer
A. We get distracted during prayer
B. We get distracted from praying
C. Four stages Satan has for your prayer life
1. Prayerlessness - Keeps you too busy or distracted
2. Burden Bearing - When we don't pray we carry the burden ourselves
3. Weariness - When we carry our own burdens we get tired
4. Weakness - We are focused on ourselves
III. The Proper Position of Prayer
A. Bow the knee - Shows submission and reliance
B. Get alone with God - Pay attention to God

These are some thoughts that will help you when the enemy strikes, and now you have them just in case you missed it!
