Thursday, January 8, 2009

How Can I Keep All of the Commands

I have really enjoyed our Wednesday night studies in the book of Deuteronomy! I never realized how many spiritual gems are found there. Last night we were discussing whether or not having a desire is enough to get something done. Once again the New Year is here and along with that come our resolutions for the year. Every year at the top of my list you will find exercise. I really do have a desire to be in shape, but desire is not enough, as you can probably tell by looking at me. Let me just remind you of some of the Truth's we talked about from Deuteronomy 27 and 28. We asked the question, "How can I keep all of God's commands?" Here are three things found in this passage of Scripture that can help.

1. We need reminders Verses 1-8

- Make monuments for special places in which God has worked in your life

- Mark it down so you don't forget how God is working in your life

2. We need to be real v. 15-26

- These verses are very straightforward. There is no beating around the bush it gets right to the point

- These verses are very specific. They need no room for questions.

- We need to be straightforward and specific about the sins that we are dealing with and ask God for the help that we need

3. We need to be responsible Chapter 28:1,14

- It is our responsibility to obey v. 1

- It is our responsibility not to stray v. 14

These three things will help us keep the commands of God. I know you have the desire, but now you have some help from God's Word.


  1. Sean,

    Thanks for setting up this blog, I think it's a great tool for personally reviewing and independently studying what is presented to us at church!


    I've never followed a blog before, so I'm not sure if or how I can post something on here other than a comment on what Sean has posted.

    Anyways, I'd also like to share a simple thought I had today through reading God's word.

    "Sad and hart aching times in our lives, I think, are a tool used by God to give us the ability to fear him. Otherwise we would be like babies which know no fear."

    This thought came from Prov 8:13 - The fear of the Lord is to hate evil: pride and arrogance and the evil way and the perverse mouth I hate.

    "This verse speaks of pride and arrogance. If you haven't made the connection to 'sad times,' it is in the good times in our lives, when we experience success, that's when we become prideful and arrogant without even knowing it!"

  2. Sean,
    I'm new to the whole blog thing but I wanted you to know I'm gonna give it a try. Your messages on Wednesdays are always such a breath of fresh air in this every busy thing called life. I never realized that there were such practical lessons to be learned from Deuteronomy. I am a person who really needs those reminders of what God has done for me.

    God really has blessed our group over the last year. We have more coming on Wednesday nights that I can ever remember. And everyone seems to get along so well. I thank God for the man we have as our PROGRAM leader as well. Keep up the good work Sean and do let us know if there is anything WE can do for you.

    -Seth B.-

